Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Coral creme

            ( F21 dress, Zara jacket, C. Santana sandals, vintage bracelets, H&M necklace, Roberta Gandolfi bag)

The may rain is beating romantic melody, cicadas are singing and flirting in the bushes, I'm sitting on the porch , smelling  blooming jasmine, magnolia flowers and gardenia. It never smells so good during the day, the heat takes it all away, now that the rain is in power, everything in nature obeys and stays in tune) I'm drinking mint tea but the rain aroma is overwhelming, so strong and fresh that it seems you could taste that honey in the air! Rain speaks to everyone, it calms you down, whispering, it listens to you back and leaves you in harmony with nature and in harmony with yourself!
I chose the coral dress and accessorized it with a matching bag and creme sandals adorned with little studs that make your tan pop - I don't have any so one can't tell yet) Never thought I'd be wearing this H&M necklace so often but again its neutral base and almost coral to orange beeds make every outfit look brighter and more sophisticated)
Have a great weather and even if you have rain, let it be...)

                      *                                                         *                                                             *
Звенит дождь, барабанит по крыше, цикады снова кокетливо залепетали в траве, которая с приходом дождя стала ярче от пропитанной влаги. Отчетливо угадывается аромат цветущих  жасмина, магнолий и гардении в саду. Дождь моросит нежно - сегодня он ласковый, теплый, вечерний. Пью чай с мелиссой (спасибо маме,что прислала!) , и кажется,  дождь, что бьет на крыльце по-соседски близко, можно попробовать на вкус - он оставит сладкий привкус липового цвета и свежего воздуха перед грозой.  И каждому дождь шепчет свое...
Желаю всем хорошей погоды, а если пойдет дождь - не гоните, он гостит не долго)


  1. love your blog so much! your so talented! i followed <3 do you think you could maybe follow me back? would love my blog to be as good as yours xx

  2. I am in love with your heels... and you look stunning here.....

  3. Beautiful blog, I love your bag, it looks nice! I was looking for something like that for a long time, when did you get it if you don't mind me asking?)

    1. Thank you, I actually got it looong time ago))

  4. love it! I'm following, do you?

    take away the captcha codes LOL

  5. Очень красивое платье! И украшение :)

  6. очаровательное платье! длина очень вам подходит! Сколько у вас всего подвесок, браслетов и прочих мелких акссесуаров?

  7. I love your blog ! You are so different and the style has it's bright and pastel perks) The previous post with the vest and gorgeous Chanel-like earrings is breathtaking! Amy

  8. That dress is fabulous! And it looks great with the beige blazer!

  9. Beautiful! Love your Style ,you look gorgeous :)

    Wish you a great Weekend ♡

  10. What a lovely look! I love the color combination and the additional of the golden belt to complete the outfit!


  11. стильно и элегантно! супер!

  12. U look so lovely, such a pretty ensemble and colors! Great necklace!!!
